Genre: Bent Over, Janelle, Paddle (Wooden), realspankingsinstitute, Spanking F on F
Video Description: Janelle receives a twelve swat paddling after Kailee catches her snooping through Ms. Baker’s office.
Genre: Grabbing Ankles, Janelle, realspankingsinstitute, Rule, Spanking F on F, Yard Stick
Video Description: Janelle bends over in Ms. Burns’ office for some discipline with the ruler.
Genre: Janelle, On All Fours, Paddle (Wooden), realspankingsinstitute, Spanking F on F
Video Description: Janelle is paddled in Ms. Burns’ office for cheating on a test and is then put in time out to think about what she did.
Genre: Janelle, Kneeling On A Chair, Leather Strap, realspankingsinstitute, Spanking M on F
Video Description: Mr. Daniels administers further discipline for playing pranks on the other girls.