Genre: Pegas Productions, PegasProductions, Kitty Kunt, Coco Ivy
Video Description: Kitty donne une formation Coco sur comment devenir une bonne femme au foyer. Elle lui explique comment tenir une maison en ordre. Aprs un moment, elle lui explique quil faut aussi savoir prendre soin dun homme ! Elle demande donc son collgue, Rick, de servir de cobaye !
Genre: Pegas Productions, PegasProductions, Kitty Kunt
Video Description: Kitty is trying on lingerie in her bedroom when her roommate walks in unexpectedly. When he sees her big boobs in the sexy lingerie he cant help but try tu fuck her. Until he shove it up her ass.
Genre: Pegas Productions, PegasProductions, Kitty Kunt
Video Description: Searching on the Internet Kitty realizes that she may be Ass-Sexual. Which would mean that she could only reach orgasm through her ass! She then suggests to her activist friend to break the structures of society and work to normalize anal sex!